Care and Caring Nursing is a contracted provider of:

Ohio Department of Developmental Disability
Offering the following services:

Council on Aging
Offering the following services:

Care and Caring Nursing LLC offers the following services you and your loved ones will need to fulfill everyday activities of daily living.

Personal Care / light Housekeeping

Job description is not limited to the above personal care and choruses.

Additional Service

CCN Accepts the Following Payment Options

Private Pay

Private Insurance

Visa / Master Card


Service Recipient Says

I’ve been with Care and Caring Nursing home healthcare company for the past 4 years and there’s something special about the agency and that includes but not limited to providing unique services, reliability, professionalism, and goes beyond providing care for me and my family if need be. The care givers provide me with excellent services. I will not trade this company for anything. They’re very realizable and treats me with respect and dignity.

Client A
Client Image

I was very fortunate to have been introduced to Care and Caring Nursing agency. I’m chair bound and for many years I’ve gone through the frustration of aides calling off or quitting on me. The amazing part is that if the aide can not come due to unseen circumstances or situation beyond their control, the CEO (RN) of the company will roll her sleeves to care for me. When I lost my husband, she cared for me during the night shifts. God bless her! I know it’s very difficult to care for me for example, it takes about 1-2 hours to put me in bed at night and about 1 hour to get me out of bed in the morning. On complete full bed bath days, it take about 2-3 hours. Since Care and Caring became my provider, no such frustration and worries anymore. The agency will match me with a caregivers who cares about me and who are selfless. This makes my condition bearable. Aides are truly reliable and last long. Not always having someone new in the home. I highly recommend using Care and Caring Nursing agency (CCN).

Client B
Client Image

I have been with this company for the past 3 years and I’m so thankful to God because they’re a blessing. My aide is wonderful, professional, and very caring. I like my care giver and the company so much. Care and Caring is very reliable. My health is better when I have peace of mind. Same to those who cares about me.

Client C
Client Image

The CEO is very reliable and sometimes gives me care. Always gives out great gifts every Christmas. Try using them and experience their great qualities. A trial will convince you.

Client D
Client Image

Care and caring agency is wonderful and a great place to work. The pay is great and the CEO is very nice, understanding, and most especially appreciative of her employees. My hours are flexible and I enjoy referal benefits and mileage reimbursement. It’s a very welcoming place and my family is included in the plan to make sure that I’m not stressed with my job and family.

Aide 01
Client Image

I had a good training as a CNA through Care and Caring Nursing STNA School. The school location is great and the classroom environment is clean and looks executive. The class fee was the cheapest for such an executive place. Students are allowed to come in and practice any skills of their choice for FREE! Yes, for free! The instructors encourages students to stop by if they need help and they listen to your frustration. I was screened and had my back ground check (BCI) done at the school. I was given special training to address unique cases. Learning is always on going and l love that because it increases my knowledge about home health care and help me become a better care giver. I had my training with Care and Caring Nursing and I also work for the company as an aide. Pay is great!

Aide 02
Client Image

I don’t have to be driving from one end to the other to make a living. My driving distance to my clients home is 12 minutes and my client found me very reliable and professional. My pay is good because I take my job seriously. I do not practice no call, no show. I’m always on time. My CEO is very appreciative and that motivates me to work harder.

Aide 03.
Client Image